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5747 N Andrews Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Got Wetlands?

Wetlands are an important and essential piece of the Florida landscape. Wetlands are found throughout the state of Florida and protected by County, State and Federal regulations.  There are different types as well: Freshwater (herbaceous marshes, cypress tree dominated and mixed forested) to Estuarine (mangrove and tidal salt marshes) to name a few.  Sometimes wetlands are not always wet and can look unlike your “typical wetland”. In order to classify as a wetland it normally must have at least two of the following characteristics: hydric soils, wetland vegetation and hydrology (water table near the surface).  When considering purchasing or developing a piece of property, due diligence efforts should include natural resource investigations and wetland determinations if wetlands are suspected on site. 

It is important to understand the potential permitting requirements and mitigation options that may be required for land development permitting through local, state and Federal agencies.  Miller Legg environmental professionals are proficient in wetland determinations, UMAM and WRAP wetland functional value scoring, permitting, and mitigation design and include certified wetland scientists that have been trained in soil sciences, wetland hydrology and native Florida floral and faunal species.  We are your go-to trusted advisors and consultants and can provide extremely important information regarding wetland Do’s and Don’ts.  Call William Mohler at (954) 628-3623 for more information or to set up a meeting.  Or send an email to or for additional information.

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